My story, our story
Can you still remember the carefree youthful days when we met our friends and ran and played in meadows, hid in forests and got up to mischief that only you and your friends know about? This is the way that I, like so many others, became familiar with archery. We used hazel branches to make ourselves bows and arrows.
We became Robin Hoods, Indians, soldiers… There was no limit to our imagination! Sadly, nowadays there are less and less such stories, as kids spend an increasing amount of time glued to their computers, televisions and phones.
I was 24 years old when I first became seriously involved in archery; I took a 10-hour course. I immediately knew it was love at first sight and that is how it became my favourite sport. I actively competed for around 7 years and also achieved 4 national records. I was part of a good archery team and travelled all over Europe with them taking part in various competitions where I improved my knowledge both technically and mentally.
During that period, we also established an archery klub in Tržič – GLK Tržič (Gorenjski Lokostrelski Klub), which is still active to this day and has more than 80 members. The Slovenian Ministry of Sports launched a youth programme about 25 years ago. The goal was to discourage as many children and adolescents as possible from drinking alcohol and using drugs and encourage them to engage in a variety of activities. I had the opportunity to obtain a level 1 teacher’s licence. I soon realised that my mission was to bring archery closer to as many people as possible. Why? Because it is a sport for all generations, for both sexes, for the healthy, for the sick, for the disabled, for people with special needs… Because archery is an Olympic sport and humanity has known it for over 50,000 years and “we have it in our blood”. This is a sport or a primary element that has helped humanity to survive to this day.
Throughout my many years of teaching, I have developed one of the fastest systems for teaching archery to beginners and the disabled, of which I am really proud. In addition to my regular job, I initially taught archery at two primary schools in my hometown (Bistrica primary school, Križe primary school) with the help of my friend, Marijan Radosavac, who was also an archery teacher.
Together we also organised various archery events, matches and tournaments. Later, as business was deteriorating at my workplace at that time, I eventually lost my job. The situation brought me to the point where I started thinking more seriously about starting my own business. And so I did! I named it ‘THE BEST ONE’.
the best one
Why ‘The Best One’ you may ask? Even before I started the company, my daughter Patricija gave me a home-made T-shirt for my birthday with the inscription ‘The Best One’. Is there a better way than for a child to subconsciously, spontaneously give you the name of a company, before even anyone knew about it yet! Shortly after opening the company, we set up a tent in Velika Zaka at Camping Bled, where we still offer our medieval archery experience. Then another problem arose, that of a seasonal nature. In Bled we operate only from April to October. My next challenge had to be accomplished – teaching in schools all over Slovenia. I teach in five schools (OŠ Bistrica, OŠ Križe, OŠ Gorje, OŠ Lesce, OŠ Moste pri Komendi), in the Youth Center Mravljišče Komenda and Dijaški dom Ljubljana Tabor.
It is really a great pleasure and honour for me to be able to share my passion for archery with young enthusiasts. Facebook
Parkour draga
In 2016, we took over the archery course in the Draga valley in Gorenjska, which is open throughout the year. I enjoy setting up new ranges and targets in the valley for archery enthusiasts, as well as organising competitions for the PTL (traditional bows cup) and the annual Winter Triplet (three winter matches), which is primarily intended for socialising with archery enthusiasts. Facebook
Archery Wars
In 2017, we decided to buy equipment for Archery Wars – an archery-based game that involves a slightly different way of shooting… with a bow and arrow, of course 🙂
I must point out that without the encouragement of my family, there would be nothing. My wife Dunja believes in me and supports me in all of my decisions, and my daughters Patricija and Larisa always come to my aid when I am in need. Facebook
Here, it’s all about archery
Would you like to join in? Come and take a look at our locations and maybe together we can stimulate that sleepy 50,000-year-old gene. Of course, every individual decides for themselves whether this is a sport for them, as it is for me, or if it is just an occasional form of recreation, or even just one pebble in the mosaic of your life.
If you don’t try, you won’t know…
Our team

“The heart and engine” of our business. Robert
Three little flowers, our jacks-of-all-trades!Larisa, Patricija in Dunja