Srednjeveško lokostrelstvo

Spoznajte se z veščino lokostrelstva na srednjeveški način

Preberi več

Parkur Draga

​​Hočeš nekaj več? Preizkusi »gozdno traso«!

Preberi več

Za čez poletje


Preberi več

Archery wars

Posebno zasnovane igre pilijo vašo taktiko in komunikacijo

Preberi več

Pri nas se vse vrti okoli lokostrelstva

Lokostrelstvo ni samo šport in zabava, lokostrelstvo je način življenja.

Z lokostrelstvom:

  • odpravimo težave s koncentracijo

  • izboljšamo držo telesa

  • odpravimo strah pred javnim nastopanjem in predvsem….


Če ne poizkusite, ne morete vedeti…


Še nikoli prej nisem streljala z lokom in moram priznat, da je bila to res super izkušnja! Posebej mi je bilo všeč to, da tudi tisti ki nismo med boljšimi lokostrelci, lahko v igri zmagamo in zelo hitro osvojimo osnove streljanja z lokom.

– Vesna

A Wonderful Experience! We were a part of a large week-long camp, which has many organized activities, one of which was Archery Wars. My kids have always wanted to try archery, so we signed up. I wasn’t sure that they could handle it, as they are pretty young. However, Robert took them under his wing, showed them everything they needed to know and was so positive and encouraging. We loved it so much that we sought him out the next day so that they could shoot a few more arrows. Can’t say enough positive things about the gentleman in charge. Next time we’re in the area, we’ll definitely stop by for another round!

– Courtney S

Čudovita steza, narava, ljudje in gostinska ponudba. Raj na zemlji!

– Miran

Prečudovita lokostrelska izkušnja! Super izzivi, krasna proga! Še se bomo vrnili!

-Družina Oman/Prebold

Lots of fun!

My partner and I stumbled across Robert’s archery tent as we walked Lake Bled. For €20 each, we had an hour’s lesson to introduce us to the basics. Robert is a great teacher and spoke brilliant English. I would recommend it to anyone.


Awesome time with Robi

Robi was a realy nice guy, he showed me so many things in archery. He is a real professional guy with a lot of knowledge. I would realy recommend this to everyone who want to try how archery works. Robi is the right guy for you !!


Najboljši rojstni dan ever! Hvala Robi in ekipa, lokostrelstvo je zakon!
